All the love in the world is yours to keep
I was nothing but a wandering soul when the universe brought me to you. At the very right moment, I find the solace I have longed for in your presence.
Even from afar, I’m aware that God cared for you with so much fondness in each of his touches. Humanity is well aware that one’s journeys are never as beautiful as their heart is shaped to be. Your gaze holds and tells stories of how one lives their life on a burning land, how one’s grief is carved in their back, and how one’s entire being is full of nothing but wounds. I’ve sat here beside you and I learned that in spite of every sorrow, you were born and rooted in all the goodness and beauty that exists. You let your heart be tender, amid the ruin and chaos. You let yourself choose kindness, even through the grief. You let your gentle touch be laced with warmth, despite it all. One day the entire world and human possessions will shatter but not your love and kindness. It seems that love cannot escape your hold as it finds your heart to be their new home, their resting place, a shelter from the storm to keep them safe. And through the glimmer of your eyes love has finally found its way back to my existence, despite everything love will always return, and it took the form of you.
And with the passage of time you will savour the gentle caress of the wind against your skin, drawn to the embrace of the sun, the stars will leave little kisses in my place, and where the flower blooms there lies your love beneath the soil. Then you will realise how even the universe spares a split second of its time to fall in love and keep you loved. My dear Quanrui, you were made to be loved in the boundless cosmos, to be cherished beyond measure. The world lets me know that there is much more life and love to live through your existence, I’ll ask for their favour to keep me here a while longer. In this small timeframe, I know you will never ask anything grand of me, I will live in the light of your tender words and I seek the universe to watch our love immortalise.